Monday, 10 March 2014

The use Folder SmadAV (Δ Smad-Lock (Brankas SmadAV) Δ)

Often we see in flash or other data storage if we use a local Antivirus Indonesia that called SmadAV. In this SmadAV there is a folder called Smad-Lock Δ (Brankas SmadAV) Δ. Actually, what the function of this folder. If there is not already know, I will tell him this time function :
  1. Folder Smad-Lock Δ (Brankas SmadAV) Δ is ​​the safest folders from virus infection,because the virus is almost impossible to enter the folder this.So, the all of the files that you put in this folder "VERY SAFE" from a viral infection.  
  2. You can not rename the folder name at all. 
  3. This folder can be loaded with office file type DOC, XLS, PPT, and all office files like the files in the folder can only be opened by all the programs made ​​by Microsoft and some other specific programs. 
  4. For files that are not diversified office documents, you can still fill it into the folder, but if it fails to open the file from within the folder, it means the type of the file can not be opened directly from the folder Smad-Lock Δ (Brankas SmadAV) Δ , To open it, you can move the file out of this folder before opening it.   
So a little explanation about the use of Folders SmadAV. May be useful for all of us.For those interested in using this smadav antivirus, please contact the following link : SmadAV (You will be brought to AdFly, then wait 5 seconds and click on skip ad on the top right corner to go to the site SmadAV).

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