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How to register in order to AdFly income online..????
AdFly is a link shortening service,besides we can shorten or hide the original link,we also get paid every time someone clicks on the link. Now this process is known as Earning online, even though we sleep, if our blog visitors, it will generate income online by clicking on Skip Ad, if we shorten the original link through this AdfFy.
Excess use AdFly :
- Shorten the link / URL, for example
- Then it will be:
- Hide the original link, this is usually done to hide the program referral / affiliate link
- Get every dollar coins click on the link, which usually appears SKIP AD at the top right atas.raih dollars to $ 5.00 / 1000 visitors from your link.
- All ads are safe without popup (safe = safe for families)
- Real-time statistics with revenue breakdown
- Many tools - Mass Shrinker, Easy Link, API
- Referral system of referral income 20%
- $ 5.00 minimum limit for payment through PayPal. (For those who do not have a paypal account, please Click On The List)
- Klik AdFly
- Then click Join Now
- Click the verification link sent to the email address you used to register in the adfly
- Log in to adfly account by entering your email and password
- Insert a link / url into the box, for example:, then click Shrink, it will display a link that has been shrink as: (if you want menshrink again, click to copy and press Shrink again)
- Will appear in the list, complete with click data and dollar coin that you will receive
Before doing Shrink, you need to know the function of the "More Options". This option is related to the size of dollar coins as earning an online blog you will appear 3 options :
- Interstitial Advert ($$$$$) : If you select this option, then the link will shrink after being closed all ads from adfly links, so that your readers might be confused with cover, even though the result of more money. To put in the relevant pages, the reader you should click on the "Skip Ad" located top right corner.
- Frammed Banner ($$$) : if not close the page link, right on top of it will be the banner of adfly, but the outcome of that money is also smaller than the interstitial Advert.
- No Advert : This one immediately wrote to the page in question without ads or dollars per click.
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